A Voicemail to a Representative
Welcome to my blog. I have recently started my spring term classes and am finding interesting connections between this term’s humanities class and the past term’s. The class I am taking this term is called Policy. In my first unit of Policy, which has a primary focus of the U.S. government, we are looking more into the legislative branch of the government. Our guiding question that has been a key thing to keep in mind is “how do we agree on the common good?” We began looking into Article I of the U.S. Constitution that tells us how the legislative branch is run. From there, we began looking into past acts or agreements passed on the history of the country. We then looked further into the wars that have been declared since 1789. Looking into World War I and II helped me get a better sense of how the legislative branch interacts with our country and its roles. Throughout this process, we looked further into acts that affected people at the time of these wars, including the Neutrality acts of the 1930s and the Selective Training and Service act of 1940. With our newfound knowledge, we were able to meet with Troy LaRaviere, school administrator, educator and current President of the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. LaRaviere is a supporter and sponsor of the bill HB5107. From there, I was able to look into other bills that would affect those around me. I chose bill HB067 and to contact Representative of the 5th district, Lamont J. Robinson, Jr. I hope you enjoy learning more about this bill and the project overall.

(KidsWorkChicago, 2022)
Hello Representative Robinson,
My name is Kaylie Hamernick. I am currently a Chicago resident in the 5th district and a junior in high school attending Global Citizenship Experience Lab School, located in downtown Chicago. The subject of my call is related to the bill, HB067.
To be clear as to what I am referring to, and to quote this bill itself, this bill would allow “adults who reside on the premises of a day care home to possess handguns on day care home premises (rather than adults who must possess a handgun as a condition of employment and who reside on the premises of a day care home) if the handgun and handgun ammunition are locked and inaccessible to children.”
From my understanding, this bill would allow firearms in the same households as child daycares (as long as they are stored securely). I am unaware of exactly how strict the gun laws are in Illinois today, but being that Sen. Tammy Duckworth is currently pushing for stricter gun laws, I have to say this bill seems contradictory. However, even if that were not the case, what this bill allows is irresponsible and incautious.
According to Nationwide Children’s, it is estimated that “1,300 children, years 18 and younger die from guns and many more seriously injured.” In just Illinois, “an average of 183 children and teens die by guns every year.”
While there are many U.S. citizens opposing the idea of further gun control, labeling it as “unconstitutional”, there are also many who argue that “this was a document written 230 years ago, in fear of a tyrannical government”, an issue that is no longer a pressing matter and therefore should not have as much freedom in possessing a dangerous and potentially murderous weapon. Depending on your views on gun possession, this bill might look alright on paper, being that you are required to keep it in a secure location and locked away. However, “75%” of children living in homes with guns, know where they are kept and are capable of pulling the trigger, in the case that it’s left open.
Being that I have three nieces under the age of five, I can't help but think of them when looking into this bill. I would be concerned for their safety along with other children’s safety, were this bill to get passed. The fact is, accidents happen. Accidents happen and this bill, that would amend an act further ensuring safety measures, is not one that keeps that in mind. The accident that might occur because of this bill is not one that is as low risk as falling down the stairs or bumping one's head, it is that type of accident that could be irreparable.
I understand that part of your policy is to be tough on crime, I hope that this is out of place to keep your constituents' safety in mind. If I am correct in assuming that, I am asking that when the time comes, you will not support this bill. Thank you for your time.
Camacho , Audrey, et al. “Gun Control: Two Sides of the Debate.” Wayland Student Press, 18 Jan. 2018, https://waylandstudentpress.com/59437/articles/gun-control-two-sides-of-the-debate/.
FOX 32 Chicago. “Duckworth Pushes for Stricter Gun Laws after Shooting at Fashion Outlets Mall of Chicago in Rosemont.” FOX 32 Chicago, FOX 32 Chicago, 27 Mar. 2022, https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/duckworth-pushes-for-stricter-gun-laws-after-shooting-at-fashion-outlets-mall-of-chicago-in-rosemont.
“Gun Safety.” Nationwide Children's Hospital, https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/research/areas-of-research/center-for-injury-research-and-policy/injury-topics/general/gun-safety.
“Gun Violence in Illinois .” Maps.everytownresearch.org, https://maps.everytownresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Every-State-Fact-Sheet-2.0-042720-Illinois.pdf?akid=s191366..DhgrHs.
Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB0627, https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?GAID=16&GA=102&DocNum=627&DocTypeID=HB&SessionID=110&LegID=129099&SpecSess=&Session=.
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