A Synthesis of Parenting

This last unit of A Nation's Argument, my humanities course, is called Synthesis. It is taking what we've learned from our first and second units Thesis and Antithesis, along with more historical analysis on synthesizing events of the past. This unit taught me how to take an argument's thesis and antithesis to find a sort of compromise. This action project, looked it parenting techniques and a couple different methods used to raise children. I looked into permissive parenting as my thesis, authoritarian parenting as my antithesis, and authoritative parenting as my synthesis. I created a slideshow, below, that goes into further detail. I hope you enjoy!

 In creating this project, I realized that there is a lot more opportunity for further explanations for parenting. If I had an extended deadline, I would have gone further into detail about how ones parenting decisions can affect their child. I realize there are many schools of thought related to this topic and it could be interesting to be more broad in my descriptions.  


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