Animal Analysis

 This past term, I have taken a class called Population. In this class I was able to look more into similarities and differences between different species, both physical features and their DNA. I enjoyed taking this class because of the different expeirences that come with taking this class. In this unit I, along with my classmates, looked at genetic structures and identifying thedifferences that could occur within theese structures. Another thing that we learned about is central tendencies along with standard deviation. I was also taught about natural selection, which I found interesting. Natural selection looks at the adaptation of different species in different environments, specifically, if the species can maintain the ablity to reproduce. 

In past years when this class was taught, the students would go on field experiences, but being that we are in the middle of a global pandemic, my school decided that our classes would all be online, making it not possible to go on these field experiences. 

In this Action project, I chose an animal and looked at how it has adapted to its environment and guess if it would survive in a new environment, given to me by my teacher. I chose to look at teh cabbge white caterpillar. 

I enjoyed going through the prcess of this action project, and the time it took for me to put this together. The most difficult factor that I faced through this project, was finding an extinct caterpillar picture. If I had more time to put this together I would have liked to add more to the story of the new environment that the caterpillars went to. Thank you for looking through my slideshow and blog!


  1. A good study learning about the caterpillar, but more importantly about the bell curve and how the calculations are done. Also about natural selection principles. Good work.


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